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Guide to Suggestions

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Shark Girl
Mod Team Lead
Support Team Lead
Original post by Mike from XenForo.

When posting suggestions or commenting on suggestions others have posted, it's important to follow some guidelines to ensure that your thoughts are understood.

Replying to Suggestions

First and foremost, if you like the suggestion that a person has made, upvote the suggestion. If you have further tweaks to the suggestion, please post them but still vote for the suggestion.

You can vote for a suggestion by clicking/tapping on the grey arrow at the right of the first post:


Once your vote has been recorded, the counter will increase and it and the arrow will change to orange:


Suggestions can be sorted by the number of votes it has received by using the "popular" tab.

Threads with a large number of votes will bubble up to the top and give us things to focus on. However, please keep in mind that a highly-voted suggestion is not guaranteed to be implemented. There may be technical reasons to not do it or it may not fit in with the goals for the product. We will give our thoughts on as many suggestions as possible.

Posting New Suggestions

The most important (and most challenging) thing to do when posting a new suggestion is search for an existing suggestion. Reducing duplicate suggestions helps us see the true interest in a particular suggestion. It's a lot harder to see how much interest there is in a particular feature if it's split across 10 threads instead or one focused one.

Finally, please keep to one suggestion per thread. This allows us to more accurately gauge the response. Massive rollup threads don't help us know the specific ideas that people are interested in.

Also, do check the closed suggestions forum to ensure your feature doesn't already exist. Chances are if you're coming to suggest it, it doesn't exist but you never know and maybe you'll find something you didn't know about. :)

Thanks for all of the suggestions that have been posted and the ones that will be posted. Your feedback is important to ensure that we're building software you want to use. (I apologize if that sounds cliché. :))
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