World of Balaria by LuzFaltex

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Ban Appeal Rules

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Shark Girl
Mod Team Lead
Support Team Lead
So you've been banned, perhaps permanently, and you wish to appeal your ban. This is the place you should start.

Players are not allowed to post on ban appeals unless adding relevant information to the appeal or ban. The moderators will decide whether the person can be let back on. There is no need to voice your opinion. If you comment on an appeal you are not involved in, we will issue an official forum warning. These warnings stack and may lead to a temporary forum ban.

There are several kinds of bans, and how you interact with this board may differ depending on the type of ban you received.
  • Warning Temp Bans: These only last for an hour, so no appeals are necessary. If you wish to know more details regarding your ban, ask the person who gave you the last warning.
  • Temp Bans: These will vary based on the severity of the infractions and your previous infractions. Unless your temp ban is over a week in duration, there is no need to appeal.
  • Permanent Ban: The moderator awarding the ban will inform you whether your ban is appealable and, if so, when you can appeal. Appeals before this date will be automatically rejected and may be subject to further disciplinary action.
Please note: Your state of mind at the time of the rule breaking will not get you pardoned from your infractions. If you're depressed, angry, drunk, etc. and break the rules, you will still be punished. We rely on players to evaluate their own mental states and make good choices about your participation with the server. If you're drunk, frustrated, or angry, it may be best to not log on. Regardless of your mental state, your actions still affect everyone else, and when a player's actions prevent others from enjoying themselves, that's when we have to step in.

Posting your ban appeal:
There is no official form or format because we want to give you a platform to advocate for yourself. However, the best appeals show an understanding of what you have done wrong and a willingness to take ownership of your actions. If there has been a misunderstanding or you are unsure what you did wrong, it is best to create a support ticket in our staff support board.
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