World of Balaria by LuzFaltex

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Frost Holly

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Frost Holly
Flora 1.png


Region: The Frost Holly is found within the northern regions of Balaria, nestled in the snow-covered Holly Trees. The Holly Tree is adorned with these flowers, as they grow all along the tree from top to bottom. If one were to traverse such a chilly landscape, the Frost Holly would be easily retrievable.
Uses: The leaves of a Frost Holly are commonly known to have a mint-like taste, often used in teas and drinks. It also contains a unique, icy flavor even when turned into a beverage, as if the environment itself has been preserved in the plant. The berries, however, are toxic to eat directly. Regardless of this, they are used topically to be made into a medicinal compact used to aid minor pain. Whilst toxic to eat directly, if the berries are fermented, they lose both their toxicity and mint-like flavor, instead creating an alcoholic beverage with a unique flavor. For one who would taste this wine, it would contain a flavor much like if you mixed blueberries and honey.
Written By: Coffee
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