World of Balaria by LuzFaltex

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Flora 3.png

Rarity: Very Rare

Region: Another particularly diverse flower, the DarkBell is found only within dark, damp areas within caves that are deep in the forest. Pushing their way through the dirt and around the rock, they bloom up into the caverns, usually close to sources of water. It would take at least a multi-day trek through the woods, along with finding a cave with the correct temperature and humidity, to find such a flower. Once found, great care would be required to harvest this flower, as it is very fragile. If handled improperly, it may easily fall apart, and finding another would be quite the chore.
Uses: There are two known uses for the DarkBell. The first requires use of the plants petals, in which are a dark shade of purple, cut through with white stripes. These petals are able to be used to create a potent poison. If consumed, the individual would feel their limbs begin to tingle. Quickly, they'd experience issues breathing, nausea, and likely would collapse soon thereafter. If no aid was given, the individual would stop breathing within only a few minutes. The antidote to this poison is not commonly known. Interestingly, the leaves of this plant in which are black in color, are able to be used for an entirely different purpose. If made into tea, it contains a bitter, earthy taste. This tea is used, when available, to ward off restlessness and bad dreams.
Written By: Coffee
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