World of Balaria by LuzFaltex

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The Keepers

The Keepers of Balaria

--==++| General Summary |++==--
The Keepers are students, academics, and warriors of magic chosen by the Preceptors to defend the lands of Balaria. They generally tend to stay near Lambridge, the capital, and other large population centers.. Although it is common to see keepers assigned to staff guard posts, it is not uncommon that they are sent on dangerous missions, sometimes by a Preceptor. On the road, Keepers carry with them the respect of the populus, owed by their connection with the Preceptors and their actions in keeping the world safe, though they are not without their enemies.
The Keepers are said to have been created as a result of the Preceptor's failings; to prevent another Great War and preserve life. Although the Preceptors were silent in their grief, they created a plan to offer mortals their teachings and create a military armed with magic with the intent to protect the world.

--==++| Recruitment & Trials |++==--
There are only two ways to be brought into the ranks of this elite group of warriors. You can be recruited by the head of the Keepers, the Luminary, or brought in by a Preceptor. It is said that the Preceptors are able to look into people’s souls, and find the strongest individuals who are pure and good. Only individuals who truly wish to learn magic and use their knowledge to protect the lands are selected. Only those who wish to be a Keeper and are given a Preceptor’s blessing will be able to complete the trials. The Unoathed will only need to complete the trials a single time, and if found to be worthy, will never need to do them again. The head of the Keepers or a Preceptor oversee the trials and hear the oaths of the Unoathed.. These trials are said to be some of the most dangerous and soul-changing tasks you can endure in a lifetime. Upon completing these trials, the Unoathed will be brought to a special brazier and where they swear their lives to the Order and pledge their intentions to protect and defend. A Preceptor must attend such a ceremony so they may then begin learning their magic of choice, and begin training to become a Keeper.

--==++| Ceremony of the Keeper |++==--
When an individual desires to join the Keepers, is chosen, and completes the trials - they are brought to a brazier mid-way up the Silver Peaks. It is said that this brazier is ever-burning despite the climate; blessed by the Preceptors themselves. There, at least one Preceptor and the head of the keepers is expected to attend. The oath and ceremony is kept particularly secret to those who are not Keepers. Any trek up the Silver Peaks is a rough one, and the individual in question is expected to make it to the ceremony. If they are unable, they will be deemed too weak to become a Keeper, as only the strongest and most courageous are meant to be one.

--==++| Expectations and Behavior |++==--
The Keepers are held to a particular set of rules and guidelines, meant to ensure they withhold the laws in accordance to behavior fitting those with such a serious and powerful position.

Rules of the Keepers
  • The Keepers are not allowed to cause harm to any mortals whatsoever, unless in defense of themselves or others. If a group or individual is causing trouble, a Keeper will handle the situation accordingly. It is meant to be against every fiber of a Keepers being to kill or harm those they are meant to protect.
  • A Keeper is meant to don their armor as frequently as possible. They are expected to be prepared for any task they are given, and any combat that they may need to assist with within Lambridge or Balaria in general.
  • The Keepers are not meant to be selfish beings. Their entire purpose is to help others, and rid the evil from Balaria.
  • If a Keeper harms an individual who has not warranted it, and that individual has not done anything which requires punishment, the Keeper will stand trial by the Silver Council. They may be subject to, depending on their crimes - imprisonment, stripping of their titles, or banishment.
  • A Keeper is expected to complete any task they are given by the Luminary, or Preceptor, until it is finished. Tasks are not to be left half-done or unresolved.
  • Being a Keeper is a job in which one will serve until their lifetime is over. It is highly looked down upon to resign.
--==++| The Preceptors Gifts |++==--
Upon completing the ceremony, the Keeper is given a gift by the Council of Silver, handed down by a particular Preceptor. The gift depends on the individual's skills and personality and is said to be chosen very specifically for them. Such a gift may be anything from a sword blessed by the Preceptor of War, to a magical gift trinket which may be used for the future. No one will be aware of the gift they will receive until they have been handed it.
When Keepers perform the aforementioned oath, they become stronger than they had before physically. They will find it easier to climb, run, and fight; and find themselves with increased endurance. A Keeper will become physically stronger than other mortals. Such is meant to aid the Keepers on whatever task they are assigned. Regardless of this, they still have to complete their entire magical and physical training.

--==++| Jobs of a Keeper |++==--
Though Keepers are meant to guard the general populace and ensure no evil seeps into Elarya, they do have other capabilities. Trained to become expert monster hunters, Keepers often are sent on tasks from the Luminary, in which orders are passed down from the Preceptors. The Keepers must be willing to traverse to dangerous places and perform dangerous tasks such as hunting aggressive creatures and collecting ancient artifacts to return to the Council of Silver. Eventually, a Keeper will be experienced enough to pass down the ability to use magic, such as was done for them. For a Keeper’s student, training will be far less vigorous than what the Keeper endured, though, their magic will not be as powerful. Keepers are expected to take students at least a few times in their lifetime.

Ranks of the Keepers
In the Keepers, the ranks begin at “Unoathed” and advance upwards based on skill, experience, and magical prowess.

--==++| Luminary of Silver |++==--
The Luminary is the leader of the entirety of the Keepers. They are meant to uphold the rules and law, ensure the Keepers are assigned tasks, and ensure Balaria is protected. The word of the Luminary is law - no Keeper may disobey them. Supported by the Preceptors, they are permitted to make judgements regarding situational matters and leadership. The Luminary is expected to be responsible for providing the resources and accommodations that Keepers, Knights and their Regent may need. This may include living spaces, food, and medical aid. In short, they are responsible for ensuring those within the ranks are well taken care of.

--==++| Silver Regent |++==--
The Regent is essentially the “right-hand man” to the Luminary. They are meant to aid the Luminary with organizational matters. The requirements for such a position are to have experience in combat and magic, to know the laws and oaths of the Keepers front to back, and to have been a Keeper for an acceptable amount of time. Only the Luminary can choose this role, as it must be someone they would trust with their lives. The Silver Regent is treated as a close brother or sister to the Luminary, oftentimes going with them to aid in missions, and as serving as a protector when needed. The bond of a Luminary and their Regent is said to be quite close.

--==++| Knight |++==--
Knight is the rank Keepers become when they are experienced within the contingent, known to be strong and resilient, and are trusted. To a certain degree, Knights instruct and aid Keepers in their training. Knights are able to lead and oversee mission units, passed down by the Luminary. Knight is also the rank in which Keepers begin to accept students to pass down their magical knowledge. Just as their predecessors, Knights must be willing to only teach those they believe will be an acceptable fit to obtain magic.

--==++| Keeper |++==--
As a Keeper, an individual is expected to uphold and protect the lands of Balaria, particularly Lambridge and its surrounding territory. This is the rank they become once they are oathed into the elite group. At this point, they are gaining the trust of the higher ranks - still given guidance by them, as well as their chosen Preceptor. Keepers are in training from the time they become oathed and pass their trials, up until they are a Knight. During this time, they are sent to complete missions and patrol possibly problematic situations throughout Elarya.

--==++| Unoathed |++==--
Unoathed individuals have been deemed worthy by a Preceptor and are in the process of completing the trials. Not yet considered a member of the Keepers, they get no say in the ongoing occurrences. The unoathed do not typically meet other Keepers until they are one themselves. They are not given official tasks, and are not allowed to command the populace of Lambridge and Elarya, such as their superiors. As un-oathed, they are expected to provide sufficient effort in completing their trails. When their Ceremony is complete, they will be provided an opportunity to move up to a Keeper. Upon completing the Ceremony, they will be awarded a set of armor designed for Keepers. This armor was said to be designed by Rogthun, a Preceptor and Master Smith.
Written By: Coffee
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