World of Balaria by LuzFaltex

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--++| Physical Appearance |++--
The Dragonfolks appearance is one of the things that make them much different than other races. They have two horns protruding from their forehead that curve around to the sides of their head. The horns are black, brown, red, or off-white. Alongside this, they have a scaled, thick tail akin to a Dragon. They have the skin tone range that is darker than that of a human, from sun-tanned brown to a near black color. Often, their skin tones can contain a hint of red. Some Dragonfolks skin are more similar to a human, smoother and without scales. Though some are more akin to their Dragon ancestors, with scales on their face, shoulders, legs, or any combination of the above. Their heights are only a bit taller than Lightfoots, standing anywhere from 5’4 to 6’3.

Dragonfolk Skin1.pngDragonfolk Skin2.png
(Examples of acceptable skin and horn tones for Dragonfolk, not including the off-white for horns. Left are without red, right are with red.)

Their eyes are the reds, oranges, and yellows of a stoked fire.
Dragonfolk Eyes1.pngDragonfolk Eyes2.png
(Examples of acceptable eye colors for Dragonfolk.)

Dragonfolk are also known for their uniquely vibrant hair that varies with colors of black, red, orange, and rarely - white. Their facial features are a bit sharper and less rounded than a human, but still retain a human-like appearance.
Dragonfolk Hair.png
(Examples of acceptable hair colors for Dragonfolk)

--++| Lifespan |++--
The Dragonfolk are able naturally up to an age of 250. They do not become an adult until they are 30 years of age, unlike humans, or even Mirciem. Most Dragonfolk are married around the age of 50, though some do so a bit younger.

--++| Unique Traits |++--
Dragonfolk are naturally able to summon small balls of flame within their hand in the blink of an eye. When Dragonfolk come of age to be able to summon their flame, it appears in a red, orange, or white color - never changing from the first time they summon it. These flames can only be summoned in their palms. It gives off a comfortable warmth and emits a torch-sized light, but it will not burn those who touch it. No one but the Dragonfolk can hold the ball of flame, or it will extinguish. The ball of light cannot be removed from the hand or thrown. This flame is unable to harm anyone, or be used in combat.
Dragonfolk are resistant to hot temperatures. This does not mean they are unable to be harmed by fire or lava burning their skin, rather that temperature alone typically does not bother them, unless extreme.

--++| Culture |++--
Dragonfolk are typically secluded to themselves, within their villages. They enjoy living near hot climates such as being nestled at the base of a volcano. This was said to be a preference inherited from their dragon ancestors, who made their homes in the hottest and harshest of climates. Another thing attributed to their ancestors is the Dragonfolks tendency to enjoy jewelry and gold. Most will wear gold rings, earrings, and jewelry and even decorate their clothing with golden colored adornments. They are also known to paint their skins in swirling markings of golden colored paint from a young age. Such markings are traditionally said to be a celebration of good health, knowledge, and a tribute to their Dragon ancestors. At the age of 50, Dragonfolk are keen to be bonded to another of their kind. Doing so too early may be seen as taboo. They believe that within their entire lifespan, they are only meant to be bonded to a singular individual - that individual being known as their life partner. Divorce is known to be extremely taboo, frowned upon by all of Dragonfolk society. Marriage is particularly unique for Dragonfolk. The two individuals within the courtship are brought in front of family, friends, and their community. They give a speech, speaking on the experiences and enjoyment of being with one another. The Dragonfolk then complete a binding ceremony, in which they are both tattooed by the religious leader of the community, who is leading the ceremony. Both tattoos are exactly alike, and not chosen by the individuals, but rather, the one performing the ceremony. Gifts are given by the betrothed to one another, and they are then considered wed. Three days of celebration follow the wedding, with the most expansive spreads of food available. Gifts are given from the community and family to the newly wed, and the guests dance to musical performers. It is said that Dragonfolk have been known to sleep an entire day away after the three almost non-stop days and nights of celebration, drinks, and dancing.
In Death, Dragonfolk tend to prefer to burn their dead; another tribute to their Dragon ancestors. Whether it be burning the deceased atop a bed of sticks and logs, or directly lowering them into molten lava, they believe that the deceased’s spirits are not at rest until they have been burned to ash. It is seen as extremely taboo and disrespectful to bury the dead, allowing their forms to be eaten by animals and insects. Such a fate is only offered to those who have done horrendous crimes, and have been put to death.

--++| Religion |++--
The Dragonfolk have two entities in which they worship. The first being the Dragons. Said to be their Ancestors, the Dragons were believed to have created Dragonfolk; and gifted them their appearance, and abilities. They were also believed to have gifted the Dragonfolk the unique ability to harness fire, both magical and non-magical. As no other race had ever held the magic of fire, it is believed that fire was entirely uniquely gifted to the Dragonfolk by their Ancestors. Thus, they pay tribute to the Dragons in each and every thing they do, from marriage rituals to death rituals, and their overall way of life.
The secondary, and more direct entity that the Dragonfolk worship is Nysmeila, the Preceptor of Fire. Said to be a Dragonfolk that excelled in magical studies and became chosen by the Preceptor Faela, Nysemeila became revered within her community. Over time, she became an icon for those hoping to eventually learn magic from the Preceptors - both from her skill with magic, and ability in combat; as well as being one of the first Dragonfolk. When Nysmeila became a Preceptor herself, and stepped away from her small community, she became even more of a role model to the Dragonfolk. Shrines were built in her name, gifts of jewelry set upon those shrines, and many Dragonfolk wishing to one day gain even a fraction of her magical prowess.​
Written By: Coffee
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