World of Balaria by LuzFaltex

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--++| Physical Appearance |++--
Imps are a unique and interesting group of creatures, commonly known to be particularly pesky. There are three types of imps, varying mostly depending on where they are born and live. The first, being common imps, typically having skins in shades of red and green. Their eyes are similar with shades of dark green, red, and bright yellow. Their brethren, the forest Imps, are only found in shades of green, with green or brown eyes. The third variant of Imp is the water Imp, which is born in shades of blue and blue-green and has blue eyes. The Imps are unique in their ability to be born with small, though weight bearing, wings, which are the same colors as their skin.

Imp Skin.png
(Examples of acceptable skin colors for Imps, labelled by type)

Imp Eyes.png

(Examples of acceptable eye colors for Imps)
Water imps, however, do not have wings. Instead, they have webbed fingers, and are able to swim quickly, and breathe underwater for 2 hours. The creatures have large ears with pointed tips, and particularly cute faces. Their legs are thin and short, and end in a hoof-like foot. Unlike Dragonfolk, Imps tails are thin and wiry, with a pointed tip at the end. Imps typically only have hair atop their head. This hair can be any multitude of bright colors! All imps are only from around 2’0 to 4’5, being particularly short.

--++| Lifespan |++--
Perhaps the shorter lifespan out of some of the races upon Balaria, Imps only live to about 80 years of age. They are considered adults at 18, though they retain their tiny size throughout their lives.

--++| Unique Traits |++--
Imps are fantastical, interesting beings upon Balaria, with none being quite like them. They have tails in which they can use as an extra limb, though a much frailer one, and can grab things with it! They also have small wings. These wings are able to carry their weight, but not for long. Imps get tired particularly quickly, after an hour of flying. They are also unable to fly higher than ten feet in the air. The only exception to this is the water imps, which do not have wings - but instead, have webbed fingers and are able to breathe in water for up to 2 hours.

--++| Culture/Behavior |++--
Depending on where they are from, Imps behave drastically differently. They do not particularly enjoy being in groups together, so it is much more likely that you will find an imp on its own, rather than with others of its kind. Common imps can sometimes be found as the footsoldiers of small armies, in the front lines. Unfortunately, this is because they are high in numbers, and some take advantage of this. Common Imps are more ingrained with society, and do not act as wild and mischievous as other imps may. They are usually able to speak the commonly spoken languages around Balaria. Forest Imps, as the name implies, are typically found within the forest. Many of them reside with the Elves - enjoying the forests. They can be rather social creatures, though some can be more wild. It is not uncommon for an unsocialized Imp to attack or flee if someone encroaches on their home. Water Imps can be much the same. They are shy, however, rather than aggressive or territorial. Water Imps and Forest Imps are less likely to know languages other than their own, though they can definitely be taught.
They are capable of getting along with one another in unique circumstances, but typically they do not get along at all. Around the world of Balaria, especially on Elarya, it is not uncommon to see a few Imps fighting over scraps of food, or territory, or literally any other reason they may get upset.
Imps have never been known to have any marriage or death traditions, or rituals. They do not get married, or believe in having a lifetime partner. They do have children with other Imps, however.

--++| Religion |++--
Imps do not have a religion, much like they do not have any marriage or death traditions. If they did however, it would be food-related! Imps are complete and utter food-lovers, and will do anything for a bite. This includes stealing, or even smacking you in the face!​
Written By: Coffee
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