World of Balaria by LuzFaltex

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--++| Physical Appearance |++--
Elves are the epitome of Faela’s children, bearing natures colors within their hair colors, eye colors, and clothing. With a range of natural eye colors such as most shades of green, blue, and brown, they are particularly diverse.
Elves Eyes.png
(Examples of acceptable eye colors for Elves)

The colors of their skin are quite similar, being from the unique brown-red of an acorn to the dark brown of the bark of a tree, they are typically a tanned color. Some, however, take on more of a green, or green-brown hue.
Elves Skin.png
(Examples of acceptable skin colors for Elves)

Elves are able to have a similar variety of hair colors, such as browns, greens, and reds.
Elves Hair.png
(Examples of acceptable hair colors for Elves)

Much like the Dragonfolk, they are able to have either softer skin more akin to Lightfoots, or skin that is slightly rougher and more akin to tree bark. This skin is still able to be punctured and harmed. Some Elves are able to have unique physical traits, said to be a gift from Faela herself. These can be anything from hair that has the texture of moss, to flowers that naturally grow on them. They also are capable of being born with antlers similar to a deer. Elves also have long, pointed ears. Being the taller of the species upon Balaria, Elves are anywhere from 5’5 to 7’5. They are typically rather skinny and tall compared to other races, though such a thing makes it easier for them to climb and hunt.

--++| Lifespan |++--
The Elves are some of the longest living creatures upon Balaria. They can live up to the ripe age of 350. Much like the Mirciem, they appear to have youthful features until they are around 300. Uniquely, their age is dissimilar to other races in that they do not reach an age of maturity until they are 50. Under 50, an Elf is still considered a youth.

--++| Unique Traits |++--
Being considered Faela’s gifted, Elves have the ability to change their skin to a more bark-like texture and take reduced damage from blunt weapons. They also have a natural affinity with ranged weapons, such as bows. Elves are naturally agile, and move more easily through harsh environments.

--++| Culture |++--
Much of Elven culture revolves around keeping to Faela, the Preceptor of Earth’s morals and perspectives. It is very important for them to maintain nature and create a natural balance. They dislike the creation of large cities and man-made creations that may cause harm. One of the races to particularly dislike the Mirciem, they believe that they are unholy and unnatural beings, and could never have been made by Faela.
Much like Dragonfolk, Elves believe that partners are for a lifetime. Though they do not do marriage the same way as other races on Balaria, they have what they believe are “Soulmates”, that the couple are blessed by Faela to belong to one another. If one believes that another Elf is their soulmate, they offer them a special token - a representation of Faela herself. These are typically hand-carved statues of the Preceptor. Upon being presented with the token, the other individual may accept, or deny. Rather than being public such as many other “marriages”, bonding between Elves is entirely private. If the token is accepted, they are to consider each other life partners. It is possible for the couple to then decide to plan a celebration, if they so wish. Some may choose to, whilst others may choose to keep the celebrations entirely to themselves.
Quite similar to the Mirciem, the Elves prefer to bury their dead. If someone were to pass away, the deceased would then bury them within a sacred spot in the woods. This would be a place where many are buried, a specific, special place where the Elves believe they are connected to Faela. Upon burying the deceased, the family is expected to provide some sort of life where they have been buried. This is because of the belief that whilst a life is taken, life should be given, to maintain a balance. The family may choose what to grow there, whether it be a tree, a garden, flowers, and so forth - typically unique to the individual. The community of Elves tend to keep this sacred area free of any type of weeds and debris; specifically the individual in which is given the responsibility of maintaining the area within, and around the village. Usually, these individuals are given the name “Druids”. Some Druids are individuals who hope to be taught Faela’s magic, though very few ever get such an experience. There are a few types of Druids, one type being healers, a path in which many Elves decide to take.

--++| Religion |++--
As mentioned above, a vast majority of Elves worship Faela, the Preceptor of the Earth. Rumored to have possibly been the very first Preceptor, she is also sometimes known as “The Mother”. The Elves believe that she created all that is, and all that will be. There are many ways in which are available to worship Faela. Unlike many other religions within Balaria, there are not only offerings as a way to pay tribute to her. Many people decide to simply pray to her. Differently from other Preceptors, small, naturally made temples are built in her honor, in which many worship; rather than only shrines. Rather than believing in giving Faela physical objects, an important way to worship her is to keep the balance of nature. This could be by aiding in the destruction of undead, planting groves of trees, and ensuring villages do not become too big or destructive to nature. Statues are often seen of Faela both within villages, and randomly throughout areas of forest. Rather than flowers being laid at the feet of statues, flowers may be properly planted there.​
Written By: Coffee
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