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Nysmeila, Preceptor of Fire

Nysmeila, the Preceptor of Fire


Said to be one of the oldest of the Preceptors, Nysmeila is thought to have been born as a Dragonfolk in an era before any mortals had ever been given the gift of magic. Following in her parent's footsteps, Nysmelia had grown to be a strong warrior within her family. She had strived to protect her village, and much like many Dragonfolk; quench her undying thirst for knowledge and truth. Within Nysmeila's young adulthood, the Preceptors had made a world-changing decision; to finally give the gift of magic to mortals. A test, this was to see if they had the capability of using such a magic responsibly, and with dignity. Upon finding the Dragonfolk to be one of the calmer, more knowledgeable races, the Preceptors offered to teach a singular individual within their village. As a warrior following the path of her parents before her, and someone in appeared to be unwaveringly loyal to her people, Nysmeila was chosen to be the first magical Dragonfolk. She took immediately to her studies, excelling in magic despite her young age and the difficulties of her peers. Though most were entirely supportive of the woman, jealousy was rampant within those who had studied for their lives as well, who were not chosen. Though Nysmeila was grateful for the life changing opportunity, she also deeply felt the sadness in those who had not been chosen, who had studied the Preceptors and their magic for most of their life. Nonetheless, she spent nearly every moment she could attempting to perfect the gift she had been given. Though she excelled at her studies, and at magic, no one was entirely without flaw. Nysmeila struggled with patience and her mind occasionally grew troubled, both wishing to excel at the gift she had been given, and stay to protect her village in which she had been raised. Faela, known by many as "Mother Nature," was pleasantly surprised by Nysmeila's progress and took her under her wing, wishing to teach her the patience and how to calm her mind; both things that Nysmeila had particularly struggled with. Under her mentorship, and as the years began to progress, the two formed a close bond as mother and daughter. Upon completing many years of study within magical arts, Nysmeila was offered the position of Preceptor, joining the Silver Council alongside her mentor and adoptive mother, Faela.

Though most Preceptors have not been seen in hundreds of years, specifically since the great war, Nysmeila was once mortal. Her being chosen within the community of Dragonfolk to be gifted with magic ensured that they wrote her into the history of their people. Her appearance is described in two different ways, her mortal appearance, and her appearance once she had been gifted with magic; which has been said to have changed drastically. Her mortal appearance was much like many Dragonfolk, as expected. She had dark red hair, typically long, though secured in braids to prevent it from being caught while participating in combat. Nysmeila's eyes were orange, and her skin was a darkly tanned, reddish color. Her horns were a similar dark brown with a reddish tint. Similar to her Dragonfolk brethren, whilst not in combat she wore jewelry and adornments of gold. According to those who had been close to Nysmeila, her appearance had changed upon receiving, and mastering her magic. Whilst still long, her hair had taken on a shimmering, fire-like appearance. It shifted from a lighter orange to a dark red and everywhere in between, appearing similar to a wild flame.
When the Great War began, and the Preceptors moved to aid of the mortals upon Xyas, Nysmeila had been seen in a particularly rare form. Some were caught by surprise upon seeing the Preceptor had, over the decades, changed to be capable of taking a form made entirely of fire. Some expressed disbelief upon being told such a thing, rumors whispered upon the vessel that took the survivors from Xyas to Elarya.

Each Preceptor has a magic unique to themselves, said to have been decided by fate according to the individual and who they truly are. For Nysmeila, a common theme back in the days of her being mortal was her impatience and fiery resolve to protect her people. This appeared to have developed a magic unique to Nysmeila, a magic revolving around fire. Nysmeila mostly practiced with the mentorship of Faela, thus, most of what she is capable of is unknown. Fire magic is known to be capable of being a destructive, dangerous magic; therefor she is very particular regarding who she chooses to mentor.

The Preceptor of fire is known to have influence in religious communities, some worshiping her in particular rather than the other Preceptors. Small shrines have been built in abodes of those who worship Nysmeila, individuals offering tribute to her by leave offerings such as gold jewelry and wines for her. The Preceptor of Fire, to the mortals who worship her, is said to represent strength of character and the pursuit of knowledge. Those who are true worshipers of Nysmeila are meant to live their life without falling into temptations such as alcohol or other addictive substances, greed, and copulation before marriage. They are also meant to pursue knowledge to the best of their ability throughout their lifetime. Sometimes, mortals which follow her creed become obsessed with their search for knowledge, living their entire lives pursuing their curiosity. Such a thing has occurred many times throughout history, and is a common occurrence within the Dragonfolk's history. Those who seek magical knowledge have been known to become extremely obsessive, spending an unhealthy amount of time attempting to take the path that Nysmeila had taken ages before. Such a thing has led people to take a darker path, such an obsession even driving some mortals insane. As these obsessions are against Nysmeila's beliefs, those individuals are not chosen to take the same path that she once did.
Written By: Coffee
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